This is the most important step when preparing to buy a home
May I suggest you contact a mortgage lender, we will suggest to you our local lender.
You can be qualified over the phone in 5 minutes and approved within 24 hours with a written mortgage commitment. You then can act as a “cash buyer”.
A short conversation with our lender will give you your exact price range parameters. They can explain the mortgage programs available to you, and give a very precise estimate as to closing costs and down payments that would be applicable to the price range. This will also give you the exact down payment amount needed to purchase your home.
Having determined what your price range is, we can advise you of available properties within that price range. At our first meeting we can review the MLS listing information for all of the qualifying properties. At that time you can decide which properties are desirable for you. If you do not know the area, please drive the area and decide if that particular area is appealing to you.
Once the price and area have been determined we are then confidently able to look at property and make your selection. This 3 step program has been shown to work time and time again with great success and makes the selection process a pleasurable experience.
Following this process will allow you to more easily understand the various steps involved in purchasing real estate in South Jersey and the ability to drive a hard bargain. I am looking forward to working with you.